Earn without investments



Advertising Company - We Pay Money for advertising on your devices!

To earn money here, you just need to install our Free Application on your PC, Smartphone or Tablet and receive money for incoming ads.

Do you want to receive $ 50-100-200 per day?

With us, it's possible!

Invite your friends using a special link and receive Passive Income from their views, as well as from their friends' views. We pay Daily Income with 7 levels of people under you who installed our application.

We will give an example

You installed our application and for every 2 sec. of displaying ads, your balance is automatically credited with money.

Right now this is not a lot of money, but to earn them you do not make any effort and just do not spend a single minute of your time.

You share this opportunity with your friends and for example you connect 7 friends who followed your link. Now you get additional income from each ad on their devices!

Viral Effect

Your friends will also want to increase their income and invite their friends, who for you will be the 2nd level of your team. You also earn rincome from every advertisement which they look on their devices!

Your structure has 7 levels. With each level, the number of people in them will grow in progression. We work with 55 countries and your team can have people from all over the world!

When can you come to an Income of $ 200 per day?

And how much time do you need to invite 7 friends to install a free application that will bring them Passive Income ?! This task can be done in an hour!
Let us give an example of your income, if you invite 7 friends in 1 Day and your friends will do the same.

In the table below, the revenue is taken into account with only 10 advertisements per day, received by you and people on your team. The first column shows 7 days of the week - They are the 7 levels of your team!

- You have invited only 7 friends
- You get only 10 advertisements
- You earn 220 $ per day!
- You can go on such income

Example of Income in USD, RUB, UAH

You Can Get 6 500 $
Already in This Month!

- You earn income from each level!
- You earn income Daily and Monthly!

- You get Passive Income without investments!
- You can get Financial Independence!
- You and your team just get 10 advertisements!

We also pay 10% of the funds spent on advertising partners of your first line. This means that when you connect the advertiser to the Company, we will pay you 10% of the money that he will spend on advertising for life. And there can be many such advertisers. To earn these 10%, you just need to connect the advertiser for yourself, just like an ordinary partner / friend.

Our Company is officially registered in accordance with law and has been operating since 2013 in 55 countries. The company earns profits exclusively from advertisers and pays 60% of the cost of advertising to partners. 21% of advertising is received for personal viewing and 39% for advertising is rewarded from 7 levels of your team.

Our application is available for Windows, Android, iOS devices.
Our Guarantee is that We are an Official Company, excluding any fraud in relation to users, even the fact that our application is present in Official Goole Play Stores and Apple Store.


It was so from the founding of the Company, so it is now and So it will always be!

Withdrawal of Money from your balance is made to WebMoney and PayPal payment systems upon your request on the same day. The minimum amount for the payment of funds 0.5 $ when displaying on WebMoney and $ 10 when displaying on PayPal. With these payment systems, your money is simply transferred to Visa and MasterCard.

No Limitations!

You and your partners can connect to your teams an unlimited number of people, thus increasing your income - repeatedly!

To show you what the power has Progressive Zoom, let's assume that you connect just 3 people more to your team, but all your 7-level partners will connect the same way, all in all 7 people!

10 friends in total who you ask to undergo a Free registration - as a result will be able to create your Passive Income 9 600 $ Monthly!

But these examples do not reflect the full potential of your income! You see an example of income when people in your team receive only 10 ads per day and invited only 7-10 friends. Actually, people in your team will receive up to 50 advertisements per day and this means that you can safely multiply the given incomes in tables twice, three and even five times!

And even if there are fewer people on your team - you still get Passive Income! Even if you receive 10, 20 or 30 dollars Daily - that is 300, 600 or 900 dollars a month, then remind yourself that the average monthly earnings for an 8-hour day is only $ 175.


Here's what you need to do now:

1) Pass a simple registration
2) Install our application
3) Get step-by-step instructions

We are interested in your success and therefore have prepared step-by-step instructions that will help you correctly and securely connect people to your team from the first day!

Attention! You will receive 2 letters! First: Immediately after entering Email on the company's website Second: Immediately after you click on the activation link in the first letter!

Official site

Yours faithfully to any your decision - the partner of a command:

Roman Prokopyak